Friday, August 30, 2013


Khloe Kadarshian-Odom's husband,Lamar,has had his driver's license suspended for a year following his DUI arrest in L.A.this morning.

Public Informatioon Officer,Leland Tang says that Lamar currently does not have a license and has been suspended from driving for one year.In one year Lamar will have to reapply and take a written test.

Lamar was arrested at 3:54am Friday morning  after being pulled over on a freeway.

According to reports,the 33year old basketball star was seen to be driving in  an unusual manner at a speed slower than the speed limit set.The Police stopped and pulled him over.Lamar was identified by his California license and was administered a full sobriety test which he was unable to perform and subsequently refused to perform a chemical test.

"Khloe has been trying so,so hard to keep him from hitting a bottom like this," a source said. "But if this is what needed to happen,then this is what needed to happen."
In weeks past,he and Khloe have faced endless divorce rumours,"They have never spoken to a divorce attorney,"the source added.

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